Active Communities - a place to Live, Work and Play
- Written by Lea Wiens, Manager, Wellness & Community Development
The sense of community that was once an integral part of our lives is much less prevalent today. Our fast paced, technologically advanced society has resulted in an increase in isolation and detachment from our communities, and an increase in social and mental health issues.
A strong sense of community benefits the individual, the community and the greater society. Physical activity can play a powerful role in fostering stronger communities as it is often the only opportunity we have to interact with others in our neighbourhood. Simply saying hello to fellow dog walkers as you pass by or inviting others to join your baseball game at the park can create new connections and lead to community cohesiveness. Taking it a step further, we can be more intentional in creating opportunities to connect, whether it is a regular weekly walk with a few neighbours or an organized club or program. The benefits of even a few minutes of social interaction and physical activity are long lasting and increase the pride and enjoyment we feel for our community.
Municipal planners are becoming more aware of the need to design spaces that foster activity and interaction, but individuals can also help create supportive environments. Encouraging your community association to include physical activity on their agenda is one simple step that could go a long way. There are many organizations that can provide support or advice including your local recreation department, community planners, or exercise professionals. Committing to make physical activity an easy and safe choice in your community will lead to a great sense of belonging, leading to happier and healthier citizens, and ultimately a more stable and supportive society.
Visit The Alberta Recreation and Parks Association website for resources, project and funding ideas: