
Wyatt Pisarczyk is a Global Sport Academy student-athlete in our Airdrie program. We talked with Wyatt to learn more about his experience, what drives him and what his goals for the future are:

Why are you passionate about playing sports?

I enjoy playing all sports, but hockey is my passion. I love to compete, my teammates and practicing and playing the game.

What strengths do you have that make you a great athlete?

Work ethic, Hockey IQ, puck control and agility.

Is there a coach or athlete that you look up to as a role model, and why?

Cale Makar. He worked hard to get to where he is at. He is very creative in his game play, and he is a threat both defensively and offensively. He is a team player. My goal is to be as good as him one day.

How do you manage your athletic responsibilities alongside academic and other recreational activities?

I use my time off hockey wisely and make sure my school work is always caught up to date.

What have you learned about teamwork through sports?

When you are playing the game, you need to use all your teammates to be successful. Hockey isn't a one man show.

Tell us about your most successful play, season or moment in sports?

One of my most exciting moments was this year while playing Okotoks in OT. I was on the ice with Riley Boychuk and the puck got flipped up, and Okotoks turned it over on the red line - I picked up the puck and Riley went wide, we went down the ice on a 2 on 1, I waited the DMan out, fed Boychuk and he buried it. It was a big win and a great play!

What is the best piece of advice you've gained from your coaches?

"The Knee is a long way from the Heart." The point was that if you are injured you can get through it because you live the game.

What is a piece of advice you would give athletes younger than you?

Practice makes perfect.

What is an interest you have that is outside of sport?

Mechanics. I enjoy working on my dirt bike and snowmobile.

Pick one of these words and tell us what it means to you: Innovative, Integrity, Ultra-Competitive, Passion, Relationships, Professional

Passion: I am passionate about hockey because it is what I love to do and always want to be doing. Whether I am at practice, at a game, shooting pucks, working out or watching YouTube videos on plays, goals or hits - it's what I love to do.

We asked our Global Sport Academy Coaches to say a few words about Wyatt, and here is what they had to say:

"Wyatt Pisarczyk is mature beyond his years in regards to leadership, practice habits, and overall mentality as a student athlete. He is a great teammate and leads by example on and off the ice. His competitiveness, work ethic, and skillset has forced his peers to improve at an impressive rate as well this season, which is a great testament to Wyatt's character. He is the leader of his U15 AAA Airdrie Xtreme and would carry the same respect in our Airdrie Global Grade 9 Program. Wyatt, congrats on your success this season!" ~ The Global Coaches